Hey, folks. I just wrapped up an interview with CNN about the presidential race and why defeating Donald Trump should be – must be – our #1 priority.

I realize I’m preaching to the choir here when it comes to Donald Trump. You know what kind of person he is: a bad one. A cruel, vindictive, and self-adjudicated rapist with delusions of grandeur and a complete lack of empathy.
But it’s important to remind ourselves what’s really at stake this November.
January 6th was a sneak peak of our collective future. The only reason our democracy persisted beyond that day was because Democrats had control of Congress. If Trump’s toadies had been in charge, this country would be in a very different place.
The next couple of months will be a battle for our democracy’s survival. Winning will not be easy. But America has defeated a Mad King before, and I’m confident we can do it again this November.
So please, folks, consider chipping in $10 or $15 to help me defend this seat, flip the House blue, and continue leading the fight for democracy in Washington. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and I’m really counting on your support.
Thank you,
Sean Casten