John, for many children around the world, summer isn’t fair – especially for the millions of kids in rural America who are living through poverty and inequality and don’t own a single book.
For these children, learning loss and the other consequences of not having access to reading materials are a real threat to their futures. We know just how important making books available to kids is when it comes to giving them a shot at a fair summer.
That’s why we went to the LA Times Festival of Books and asked celebrities, authors and illustrators why they think it’s important for children to have access to books. Watch the video below to hear what they had to say!
These are just some of the reasons why we’re so committed to providing informative and entertaining reading materials to children facing poverty and inequality. With your help, initiatives like this make a huge difference in bridging the inequality gap and giving kids everywhere a chance at a fun, learning-filled summer. Learn more about how important it is for kids to have access to books by checking out the full video.