U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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Chris made a promise when he launched his re-election. He would raise money the right way — powered by people and in a way you can be proud of.

Chris Gif

Here’s what that means: no lying or claiming that the sky is falling to scare you into donating, no fake “triple matches” or gimmicks to trick you, and no made up deadlines to create false urgency.

You probably see all this junk in your inbox already. Sure, it helps campaigns make a quick buck, and it was a risk for us to toss out this tired playbook. But with trust in politics at an all-time low, you deserve better.

When we ask, we want you to be able to trust that your donation will make a difference because Chris genuinely counts on grassroots support. Movements are built with authenticity and trust, and that’s how we will build power in Washington and make meaningful, progressive change.

So please, if you agree with this approach and believe in Sen. Murphy’s leadership, will you pitch in $5 to his re-election today?

Chris cares deeply about our supporters like you. It’s a big deal to give your time or money to a campaign. Treating this like a transactional relationship is not how we build long-term movements that can create lasting change.

Plenty of politicians in Congress would tell you Chris is wrong about this being the right way to raise money. They ignore that there are real people on the other side of these messages.

Our bet is that they’re wrong. Maybe we can actually raise more money by being transparent and rejecting scare tactics and scams.

There’s no “mid-month deadline” coming up, but maybe there are bigger reasons to give to a candidate you believe in, like Chris.

If this resonates with you, please consider making a donation to our campaign today. The $5 donations from people like you are the backbone of our campaign.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Thank you,

Team Murphy


Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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