
Emily Randall sitting at her desk

Friend —

Since my first run for office, I’ve had thousands of conversations with working Washingtonians of all ages, backgrounds, and political leanings. Here’s what I’ve heard over and over again:

We need leaders who put people first. Not money. Not personal interest. Not ideology. People.

From this Washington to the other Washington, we’ve seen what happens when politicians and judges stop listening to the people they’re supposed to serve.

That’s why, unlike my opponents, I’m refusing Corporate PAC money. I’m running a campaign of, by, and for the people – and that’s how I’ll run my office in Congress, too.

My opponents are spending BIG on TV ads, and voting starts in nine days — we don’t have a lot of time to get our message out!

Friend, can you chip in $10 to my campaign so we can win this primary, take back the House, and make Congress work for working people?


I appreciate your support.

— Emily

P.S. In case you missed it, I’m truly honored to have the recommendation of the Fuse Washington Progressive Voters Guide!







Emily Randall for Congress
P.O. Box 1883
Port Orchard, WA 98366
United States