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Editor's Note:

It is often a natural reflex to go to the "But he's a good man" rationalization when making excuses for ineptness or failures at someone's job. We see this in the mainstream media right now as they and the Democrats scramble to salvage Joe Biden's failed presidency. As Jonathan Tobin reminds us, however, Biden's decades in Washington have been filled with lying, smears, and corruption, primarily to enhance his political power and personal wealth. No one enjoys watching his cognitive and physical decline, but to try to paint him as a paragon of virtue and service belies everything we know about his political career. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Joe Biden Is Not A Decent Man
July 10, 2024

Even as they attempt to force him out, Democrats are still praising the sterling character of the president, especially in contrast to Trump. But that’s always been a lie.

As corporate media and a growing number of Democrats try to force Biden to stand down — an effort that, at the moment, appears to be failing due to the adamant refusal of the Biden family including his wife, Dr. Jill, and son, Hunter, to give up power — the standard refrains heard on MSNBC and CNN debates about the issue always include the requisite tribute to his greatness as a president and his inherent decency and goodness.

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