So John, if you've voted Green. Why not become a member of the Green Party too?
Membership of the Green Party has now passed 58,000 people, and growing. Thousands of people have joined us since the election. Are you next?
By joining the Green Party you'd be part of a growing community of people working together to create a fairer, greener future. You'd get the opportunity to take on a more active role in your community, meet lots of new friends, and would help to support our important campaign work.?
Our members often tell us the best bit about Green Party membership is they feel like they've found a home in their community. There's a friendly Green team in every neighbourhood, waiting to welcome you.
Whether you want to get stuck in with campaigning, help give voice to a local issue, or just want to join us for our friendly socials; there's a place for you in our community.
Better still, membership of the Green Party costs as little as ?6 a year!
This is the invitation you've been waiting for John.
We can't wait to welcome you as a new member.