In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news
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A jihadist who wanted to carry out suicide missions for Islamic State was released early from prison, despite the government's objections to the "irrational"
A London priest has resumed Eucharists in person inside his historic church after the archbishop of Canterbury said that the Church of England's position on
building closures was "guidance, not instruction".
An 'abusive' vicar who was banned from preaching - yet continued to hold religious ceremonies – has been added to an unpublished Church of England list but
will be allowed to keep his Holy Orders.
A federal judge in the US has blocked Kansas from limiting attendance at in-person religious worship services or activities to 10 people or fewer to check
the spread of the coronavirus.
Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors has said Christians around the world are being put at risk due to a wave of conspiracy theories blaming believers
for the spread of Covid-19.
The humanitarian relief organisation behind a sprawling field hospital erected in New York's Central Park has been criticised for making employees sign a
"Statement of Faith" that outlines their views on marriage.
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