We must stand together!
Tonight, we made history!

VDARE has been advocating immigration moratorium for TWENTY YEARS, and finally, moments ago, President Donald Trump took the courageous step of signing an executive order to do just that.

At just after 10pm on April 20, 2020, President Trump tweeted:

"In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!"

This is a major victory for all of us on the front lines and we cannot let it be the last.

This immigration moratorium will be attacked like no policy in modern political history -- in the streets, and in the courts. We've seen it all before, but never like this. We must stand together.

Make a gift today to help us make good on this unprecedented moment.

Can we count on you?