I get it, friend: On any given day, there are a million things competing for your attention, and another million emails in your inbox. I certainly don’t expect my re-election campaign to be your #1 priority.
But maybe democracy, the climate crisis, and abortion rights do crack the top ten, which is why I’m asking for your support.
Unlike Donald “The Emperor Has No Clothes” Trump and his buddies, I didn’t get into politics for adoration or fame. I’m not running to soothe my gargantuan ego.
It might be my name on the yard signs, but this campaign isn’t really about me. It’s about leaving behind a better world for our kids, and their kids after them.
That’s why I’m asking you to kick in $25. Together, we can win this race and elect a strong, united, and decent Democratic Majority this November.
Thank you,
Sean Casten