A quick report back from a Lobby Day in Washington, DC
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I say this all the time: if you want to know why access to health care matters, if you want to know what reproductive rights really mean… you need to listen to patients.
That's why I was so proud to join a group of Planned Parenthood patient advocates for a recent Lobby Day in Washington, DC.
We spent time with folks from the White House and the Office of the Vice President. We sat in on a Senate hearing about abortion bans forcing people to travel across state lines for care. Patient advocates also met with their senators and with leaders of the Pro-Choice Caucus.
Patient advocates shared personal stories that show why protecting access to health care is so important — and lawmakers listened. I want to share with you a few of the things I heard:
"Planned Parenthood saved my life three years ago."
"I had to fight the U.S. government for the care I needed."
"I'm Jewish and I want to execute my religious right to have an abortion."
"I was made to feel like a criminal and had to flee in order to access care."
"I was able to get my care after three doctors approved my need for an abortion. I was lucky, but others may not be."
"I can get an abortion in Maine, but my sister in Arizona may not be able to get IVF."
"For many, Planned Parenthood is the only option."
"Storytelling is a powerful advocacy and I never thought I'd grow into this, but I have to speak out."
I couldn't be prouder of the patient advocates who told their stories and spoke their truth at our nation's capital. It was a potent reminder of the power of telling our stories to change our culture.
This is one of the most effective ways to show the lawmakers who represent us where we stand, and to build the kind of future where everyone, everywhere has access to the care they need.
Thank you for every time you speak out, and for continuing to support the patients who are counting on Planned Parenthood every single day.
Katharine Goodwin, Director of Patient Advocacy Campaigns
Planned Parenthood Action Fund