Today's Beltway 'Pilot Fish': 'Those Who Pursue Self-Interest Through Politics'
by Lawrence Kadish • July 9, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Two short years ago I invoked the words of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, who observed, "Government is itself an art, one of the subtlest of the arts. It is neither business, nor technology, nor applied science. It is the art of making men live together in peace and with reasonable happiness."
As we enter the rough and tumble political cycle of a presidential election year, one is compelled to consider Justice Frankfurter's insight while examining today's Beltway "pilot fish." This is the industry that makes billions of dollars as lobbyists, consultants, advisors and political influencers seeking access to the Biden Administration along with the myriad of federal agencies that currently direct our lives.