I’m so proud of all she’s done in D.C. and here at home – I can’t help but brag about my boss. Mary Gay is a fearless voice in Congress who defends against MAGA attacks and uplifts our democracy and constitution.
That’s why — with just under four months until Election Day — I wanted to make sure you saw Mary Gay’s message on post-election regrets, summer slumps, MAGA chaos, and why your support today matters.
Donate right now and then take a look at what Mary Gay had to say below.
Begin forwarded message:
John, I know yesterday was a holiday but today we are officially four months out from Election Day, and I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to talk about the stakes.
I’ll start with the bottom line: the stakes are astronomical. I know, it seems like we say that every election year lately. The truth is, every election year we’re getting closer to going over a cliff we can’t climb back up.
That cliff is our democracy – how we function, the balance of power, the will of the people, the sanctity of the vote. The GOP-led House and MAGA loyalists have shown just how far they’ll go to protect Donald Trump, no matter how dangerous to our people or harmful to our future.
And Trump himself continues to threaten our democracy and Constitution with each passing day – all while amassing more convictions in court.
I refuse to wake up with regrets the morning after the election because I didn’t do everything I could to prevent a future with Donald Trump in power and a GOP majority in the House. I don’t want you to have any regrets either.
That’s why I’m reaching out to you, John, to ask for your continued support in our work to keep MAGA out of power. We need you as we fight back against our MAGA opponent in PA-05, especially during our summer slump. Donate right now if you’re with me >>
The reporting shows that Democrats tend to lose momentum in the summer months — while the GOP tends to gain even more traction.
We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to fall behind like this to the GOP this summer. We have to break through the status quo and fight hard to show up for the most important election of our lifetime.
Reproductive rights, gun violence prevention, climate change, voting rights, global security, and democracy: it’s all on the line. But we aren’t powerless, there’s time to stop MAGA GOP advances like my opponent. I need you to support my campaign and help us break through the summer slump.If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $50 Enjoy the summer — but don’t forget the impact this election will have on future generations and do what you can, while you can. Act, donate, and fight hard now.
Mary Gay