Dear John,
Plastic Free July is underway, and millions of people are joining in to take action for a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts. This year’s theme is “small steps, big difference,” and we’ve gathered easy ways for you
to start taking those small steps to reduce plastic pollution today.
Choose reuse over single-use, and encourage your friends to do the same. This is something many of us do already, and it will help shift the culture around plastics and disposability to be more sustainable for the future of humanity and that of our planet.
You can also send a customized letter to businesses you frequent asking them to reduce their plastic packaging; find a draft letter and more ways to take action here. Visit the Plastic Pollution Coalition website to learn about our Business
Members, who are driving systemic solutions to plastic pollution and accelerating a necessary shift towards a more equitable, regenerative, and just economy.
We also have resources for you to find a reuse and refill shop or plastic-free eatery to visit, encourage your school to eliminate single-use plastic, and more: find all the details in our latest blog. Also be sure to visit the Take Action section of our website where you will find our pledge, petitions, guides, and events,
including our upcoming webinar on July 18, Designing a Plastic-Free Future with Regenerative Materials.
Together we are creating the change we need!
Onward together,

Jen Fela Vice President, Programs & Communications Plastic Pollution Coalition |