Citizens' Climate Lobby  

Hi John,

Last month, CCL volunteers met with 442 congressional offices on Capitol Hill in our biggest lobbying event of the year. One of our primary legislative asks that day was for Congress to finish the job on clean energy permitting reform.

They’ve chipped away at this problem, but there’s more to be done. Our lobby meetings made that clear — and you can drive that point home with your own message today.

Email Congress to push for more permitting reform 💥

Email Congress
Screencap of Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation saying “Not to worry. I have a permit.” and handing a piece of paper to a park ranger. The second frame shows the permit, which reads: “Congress is hereby permitted to work together and pass a bipartisan clean energy permitting reform package. Signed, CCLers everywhere."

We’re seeing progress. The recent and overwhelmingly bipartisan passage of the ADVANCE Act has shown that Congress can come together and support permitting reforms for energy that doesn’t create carbon pollution.

They just need a little pressure from thousands of dedicated climate advocates to take it to the next level.

Let’s keep pushing for a comprehensive package that will speed up America’s transition to clean energy. Click here to send them a quick message in support of new permitting reform legislation.

Thanks for your help in keeping the drumbeat going 🥁

With gratitude,

Brett Cease 
Vice President of Programs, Citizens' Climate Lobby

Timely, quick, high-impact monthly actions like this one are helpful in building support for our overall work in Congress.


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