Dear Friend,
This time last year, Google Images, the site used by most people to find photos on the Internet, exposed children to countless graphic hardcore pornography images in less than one second, even for innocent or educational searches. Searches for basic anatomical terms did not yield scientific drawings but instead returned endless pages of images of and links to hardcore pornography in Google Images. Tragically, we even heard of school children being exposed to degrading and graphic sexual content through Google Images while doing research for school.
Over the years, we have brought these concerns to Google. However, when we realized last year that the amount and extremity of the images had become much worse, we made another big push for Google to improve their policies and algorithms.
We kept bringing it up, persistently, and shared stories and examples from people around the United States and around the world. This week, we are happy to announce the significant improvements that Google has made!
We still have more we're working on with Google, including further improvements to Google Images, but we are glad to report this big step forward thanks to the help of thousands of concerned citizens.
Your voice makes a difference!
Will you now help us thank Google for this improvement by signing this petition? We want to encourage them to continue to make their products safer for users and children as we continue to fight sexual exploitation in all its forms.