

A lot has changed for LGBTQ+ Americans in Idaho these past couple months, and it hasn’t received nearly as much attention from the media as it should – especially since these legislative attacks are a precursor to Project 2025’s agenda for my community.


As of July 1st, any person in Idaho can sue a library if they carry a book that they feel is offensive or inappropriate or that falls under the state’s definition of “obscene content.” That definition includes – I kid you, not – homosexuality. Gay people. People like me.


I wasn’t going to just sit silently and watch this happen. I joined Idaho Democrats on a tour of public libraries to show our support to librarians and the LGBTQ+ community.

 A screenshot of a tweet from David Roth that reads “What a great library appreciation event in Mountain Home. Including a proclamation from the mayor.” Four photos attached show the community standing outside a public library with a table set up for information.

It’s not just public libraries. This law applies to K-12 school libraries too.


Public schools and public libraries are run by the state government, and they can’t sue themselves or get away with writing their ideology into law (yet). That’s why they’re putting power in the hands of the homophobes and bigots in the state to file lawsuits themselves.


Speaking of schools, Idaho Republicans have passed a law making it illegal for school administrators to require teachers to use any student’s preferred pronouns. 


Laws like this are a license for hateful teachers to make life harder and cause emotional harm to transgender students, who already face a higher risk of depression and suicidal ideation than any other group of American teenagers.

John, I wish I could say that’s the worst of it, but we’re not even close.


Republicans claimed another anti-LGBTQ law they passed would “protect kids” by banning gender-affirming care for transgender youth. But the law as it’s written bans gender-affirming care for everyone, of all ages. 


Any medical facility that receives state funding like Medicaid will lose that funding if they provide any treatment that recognizes a patient’s gender as being separate from their sex at birth.




Mental health professionals can now discriminate against and refuse service to patients if serving those patients goes against their beliefs. 


This could have dire consequences for LGBTQ+ youth and adults, especially in rural areas where access to mental health services is already limited or nearly inaccessible. 


John, it’s as clear as ever that the only laws Republicans care about are those that serve their ideological goals. These laws do not protect anyone. They only cause us harm, and Republicans want to copy them at the federal level.


The best person to protect LGBTQ+ Americans in Congress is a member of the community like me. PLEASE help me fight for my rights and the rights of every American by kicking out Mike Simpson this year.

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Project 2025 lays the groundwork for redefining marriage as between a man and a woman, ending LGBTQ+ employment and workplace protections, blocking healthcare for trans Americans like Idaho has done, reinstating a transgender military ban, and making it illegal to even recognize the existence of LGBTQ people.


I can’t protect us from Project 2025 unless I’m in Congress, but I can still protect my community in my state. That’s why I’m supporting non-profits like Trans Affirm Idaho to help defend trans youth from these Republican attacks.


John, I am a proud, gay dad. People like me exist in every corner of this country, and we will not be second-class citizens again.




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.


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