Overview of Key Pending Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Bills
Jetta Bernier ~ Executive Director, MassKids and Enough Abuse
Preventing child sexual abuse from ever occurring is not an elusive goal. Comprehensive and tested strategies are available that can help ensure the safety of children in schools and youth organizations. Jetta will detail where Massachusetts currently stands among the 50 states in enacting laws to prevent sexual abuse and provide an overview of crucial prevention bills awaiting action:
S314/H194 would require schools and youth organizations to provide child sexual abuse prevention education to staff and students and a comprehensive Code of Conduct to detail specific boundary-violating behaviors that must be prohibited;
S1040/H434 would strengthen the screening of school hires to disclose previous sexual abuse or misconduct; protect schools from liability for sharing information with another school about an employee’s misconduct; prohibit related confidentiality agreements; and prevent the practice known as “passing the trash.”
S106 and H1537/H1538 would ensure that youth under 19 (or 22 if special needs) would no longer be able to consent legally to sexual relations with an adult in a position of authority/trust in a school or other institution. Such adults would no longer be able to use age of consent as a defense in a civil or criminal action.