Anyone for tennis and climate breakdown? What will it take for these deals to stop?
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Hi John,


Ah Wimbledon - where tennis balls smash across courts, chalk flies and entertained audiences cheer. It's all fancy frocks, VIPs in the Royal Box, strawberries and cream and... climate chaos?

Three images related to Wimbledon's Tennis being sponsored by Barclays.

Wimbledon may seem innocent, but last year the All England Club signed a multi-year sponsorship deal with... Barclays.


We know this is greenwashing tosh - distracting people from the $235bn Barclays invested in planet burning energy sources since the Paris agreement - but worryingly this isn't even on Wimbledon's conscience.

From iconic sporting events to election campaigns, they're all conveniently forgetting that we need a planet to live on! Today we may have reminded Wimbledon that there's no tennis on a dead planet but we can't stop there.


With so many more companies striking similar deals with Earth murdering giants, we must act! Those complicit in the breakdown of our planet's health will be targeted.


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Source:? Banking on Climate Chaos 2024?


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