| Fellow American,
95% of conservatives who open my emails DON'T respond. Our July primary is getting closer every day, and IMMEDIATE support is required if I am to continue.
Here's why I'm counting on you to be one of the 5% who takes action and responds ASAP:
1. Ever since Donald Trump endorsed me, the Radical Left has been launching hundreds of thousands of dollars in ad blitzes against me. 2. The Left is planning to further dismantle fundamental American freedoms and values. 3. I'm falling behind schedule on my fundraising goals, and the Right cannot afford to show ANY weakness against the Radical Leftists.
My campaign is fueled by grassroots donors who chip in as little as $1 at a time.
With less than 5% of people responding, I can't continue the fight to restore America's greatness. Will you prove your devotion to strengthening America today by helping me continue my fight?
The road ahead is difficult and will be full of Leftist attacks. The entire MAGA movement is under attack.
I need to hear from my supporters - and I need more than 5% to respond. I don't want this to be the end of the road. PLEASE respond ASAP and consider giving EVEN JUST $1 to help me continue my fight to restore America's greatness.
For America,
Abe Hamadeh Trump Endorsed Conservative Candidate, AZ-08
Abe Hamadeh is the Donald J. Trump-Endorsed Republican Candidate for Arizona's 8th Congressional District, a Former Prosecutor, a US Army Reserve Intel Officer, and Happy Warrior.
Abe for Arizona, Abe for Arizona, P.O. Box 2135, Peoria, AZ 85380
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