
The chaos we’ve seen in Wisconsin and in other states during the primary season serves as a wake-up call. Congress must act immediately to protect our elections. 

But with President Trump fear-mongering about mail-in voting, and Republicans across the country following his lead by not protecting elections in order to suppress the vote, we’ve got a fight on our hands.

So today, the Declaration for American Democracy is hosting a kick-off town hall on key ways to get involved in that fight, and we wanted to make sure you had a chance to join in.

RSVP now and attend the town hall tonight to find out how you can get involved!

This isn’t complicated. Voters should not have to choose between their health and their vote.

But sadly Trump and his Republicans in Congress see the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to suppress the vote.

We can’t let them succeed.

We must take action to ensure that voters can safely, securely, and efficiently exercise their right to vote while still protecting our public health. 

We need Congress to pass the full $4 billion in funding needed for critical reforms like expanded vote-by-mail options and extended in-person early voting to make sure we secure our elections this November.

Join the town hall tonight and learn how you can help in the fight to protect our vote.

Thank you for all you do,


The HAZMAT America Team


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