Episode 209 uploaded July 7: Sam Goldman discusses the pivotal decision from the fascist-dominated Supreme
Court to grant Trump permission to commit crimes through the immunity
ruling this past year with historian Paul Street, along with the slew of
other terrible rulings.
Then Sam talks with HuffPost reporter Matt Shuham about his latest article, “Schedule F: The ‘Chilling’ Trump Plan That Could Pave The Way For Authoritarianism.”
Schedule F is the mechanism referenced in Project 2025 that will allow
the wide-scale replacement of civil servants with Trump loyalists
throughout government.

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Paul Street: Immune, immune, immune. It's an open recipe for authoritarian rule. I call this the "fascist fuhrer" decision. This is the end of the game for all legal cases against Trump. There will not be another verdict, and there will not be a single verdict on his most serious crimes.
Matt Shuham: Trump represents the unitary executive theory, this idea that the president should have a lot more power and a lot more political leeway once he gets into office to form the government to his will. Schedule F is a way to give him a lot of power very quickly. The effect of this is sort of the authoritarian impulse that Trump has talked a lot about, that he is the revenge that his supporters want, that he wants. But you could also make the government work for and against people whose politics you like or don't like you.
Sam Goldman:
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