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Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that former President Trump has immunity from prosecution for "official" acts. 

This decision will cause even more wreckage than Bush v. Gore. 

The far-right radicals on the Court have essentially elevated the President above the law – the Founding Fathers’ greatest fear. 

In what should have been a fast, unanimous decision against Trump, The Court That Dark Money Built handed Trump another win. The first win for Trump was that the Court dragged its feet in handing down the decision, depriving the American people of knowing before the election whether the former president is guilty of attempting to overturn the last election. Contrast that months-long delay to help Trump with how quickly the Court decided Bush v. Gore to help Bush; the Court made its decision the next day when it meant installing a Republican president. Ditto getting Trump back on the ballot in Colorado in time. There’s a pattern. 

But the far-right justices (three of whom were nominated by Trump) went further than gifting a trial delay to help Trump’s chances — they’ve now made it a lot harder to hold a former president accountable for crimes committed in office. Even treason can’t be prosecuted, if any “official” channels were used!  

If Trump gets back in, things are going to be a lot worse this time around.  We can’t let that happen. 

Will you split a contribution between my campaign and Blue Amp Action's so we can get dark money out of our democracy, clean up this mess at the Supreme Court, and send a strong slate of Democrats to Washington in November?

Thank you, 

Sheldon Whitehouse 


Cliff Schecter

President, Blue Amp Action

Amplify Good


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1776 Mentor Ave. #411  | Norwood, Ohio 45212
513.438.0171 | [email protected]

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About BlueAmp Action:

We cannot sugarcoat the current situation. Right-wing authoritarianism, defeated by a worldwide coalition during WWII, was only in hibernation. Over the past decade it has infected democratic societies--including ours. It is as simple as it is terrifying: What we do now will define the future of our country and world. 

We at Blue Amp Action are dedicated to liberal, open societies, where reason and science are applied to solve our problems; where civil rights--including voting rights!--are protected for all. We fight for these values every day. Speaking up on our platforms, raising the voices and the political prospects of liberal pols and pundits. 

And savvy grassroots activists like you know, just like we do, that we can’t stop watching the people we help elect: after the elections, we have to keep organizing support for the policies we like and pushing back against the ones we don’t.

When the public tunes out between elections and the only people our elected officials hear from are the paid lobbyists of wealthy corporations, our government stops being accountable to the needs of ordinary families.

Democracy never sleeps, and neither can we.

So we ask that you support our work, so we can continue to engage in this fight every moment of every day. So our kids grow up in democracy, not dystopia.

Thank you for your support for all we do! Please follow Cliff Schecter on Twitter @cliffschecter, or subscribe to The Takedown with Cliff Schecter on YouTube, to keep up to date with this battle for the heart and soul of our country.

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