Dear Partners,

Thank you to those of you who have joined our comprehensive sign on letter regarding the next COVID-19 response package. We have extended the sign on deadline to until April 23rd at 10am EDT and made some revisions to the original letter to ensure it reflects the needs of our broader community. We hope that you will join our call on Congress ensure all people in our nation can get the care they need to stay healthy.

Changes to the letter include:

  • New language and recommendations to address the devastating and disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on seniors and people with disabilities;
  • New specificity to the ask on state budget relief (“an additional $500 billion”) to mirror the governors’ recently published ask;
  • Language to clarify that all direct care workers should be considered “essential personnel” to ensure access to PPE;
  • Other minor edits for clarity and tone that do not affect substance.

If you have already signed on and would like to remove your organization from this letter in light of these revisions, please contact [email protected] by April 22nd at 5 pm EDT.

To your health,

Raven Gomez,
Partnerships Coordinator 

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