With the Republican National Convention just around the corner, Donald Trump is gearing up to announce his pick for vice president. We've been keeping an eye on Trump's top contenders, and here's what we've found:
Any of these running mates would be a disaster for our democracy, John.
That's why we're launching this urgent live poll to confirm that key Democrats like you will support President Biden and Vice President Harris in November. Please, let us know by midnight tonight:
Are you on Team Biden-Harris?
Poll submission deadline: 11:59 p.m.
And yet, Trump has reportedly narrowed his list of candidates to three favorites – some of the most extreme and self-serving politicians in the country: Doug Burgum, J.D. Vance, and Marco Rubio.
As governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum has implemented some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country. He’s a billionaire who says fellow ultra-rich people like him should vote for Trump to protect their own interests.
In his short time as senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance has quickly become a MAGA puppet in the Senate. In January, when most members of Congress were working on a solution to prevent a government shutdown, Vance voted AGAINST the bipartisan legislation – preferring to let millions of Americans go without paychecks and bring the government to a standstill rather than work across the aisle.
Then there's Marco Rubio – one of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ+ politicians in the country – who is also anti-worker's rights, anti-gun safety, and anti-voting rights. Rubio has proven time and time again that he will choose far-right extremists over the needs of the American people.
And, John, let's not forget that ALL of these men have supported a national abortion ban or an abortion ban in their state.
The stakes of this race have never been higher. And with Trump about to pick one of the most anti-democracy running mates America has ever seen, we need to know:
Are you on Team Biden-Harris?
Poll submission deadline: 11:59 p.m.
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