Research, policy analysis, and reports from the field.
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The Connection: 

Research, policy analysis, and reports from the field.

April 20, 2020
The Next Wave of COVID-19 Hotspots

Many states are scrambling to prepare for a potential next wave of coronavirus hotspots. By pinpointing gaps in resources and capacity, Commonwealth Fund researchers say, states can choose policy levers or seek federal assistance if local outbreaks threaten to overwhelm them.

The U.S. lacks the necessary population health data to understand how COVID-19 affects different populations and social groups.

Are We Taking Health Care Workers for Granted?

In a commentary for STAT, Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D., says we must be aware of threats to the professionalism of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the lack of personal protective equipment. If there is another stimulus bill, he argues, it must address the needs of health care workers.

Preparing for the Next Pandemic

To better prepare for the next pandemic, Congress should begin work on legislation aimed at improving our ability to spot an emerging pandemic, delay its entry into the country, contain the infection, and minimize any physical and economic pain, write the Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal, M.D., and Elizabeth J. Fowler in Harvard Business Review.

What Will It Take to Get a Vaccine Up and Running?

For our Q&A, we asked former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Margaret Hamburg, M.D., about the challenges of developing, testing, manufacturing, and distributing a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine.

Coronavirus and the Case for Expanding Medicaid

On To the Point, Manatt Health’s Cindy Mann discusses why the 14 states that haven’t expanded Medicaid would benefit immensely from doing so now. She points out that expansion would provide an urgent source of federal funding for these states to pay health care providers and ensure their residents receive COVID-19 treatment.

Maternity Care During COVID-19

On To the Point, the Commonwealth Fund’s Laurie Zephyrin, M.D., and Rachel Nuzum offer solutions for prioritizing the health of women and their babies during the pandemic, including: expanding telehealth, supporting social needs organizations, extending Medicaid’s postpartum coverage, incorporating doulas and midwives in the workforce, and expanding birthing centers.

COVID-19 and Older Americans

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting everyone. The Commonwealth Fund’s Gretchen Jacobson explains on The Dose podcast how Medicare is adapting to help seniors during the crisis.

COVID-19, Data, and Health Equity

Harvard University’s Nancy Krieger discusses the lack of population health data related to COVID-19 cases ⁠— including information on gender, race, and education ⁠— in her post for To the Point.

Will Limited ICU Capacity Make Rationing Necessary?

In a conversation with the Commonwealth Fund, former Harkness Fellow Christina Pagel talks about what clinicians, hospital leaders, and policymakers should consider if and when available ICU services for COVID-19 patients exceed demand.

How Far Away Is Far Enough? How Long Can Coronavirus Live?

Is six feet far enough away in all social-distancing situations? How long can the coronavirus live in the refrigerator? These and other questions are answered with wit and bad sports analogies in Corona Question Corner by the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, M.D. Submit questions to [email protected].

The True Costs of the COVID-19 Pandemic

There has been much discussion about the individuals affected by COVID-19, but less about the economic and social consequences of mitigation efforts. Nason Maani, 2019–20 Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow, and Sandro Galea, M.D., write in Scientific American that both shape the health of the public, and both are needed to inform public policy.

Other Recent Publications
Who Pays the Most in Out-of-Pocket Costs?

For most people, the Affordable Care Act has reduced the risk of very high out-of-pocket health care spending. But researchers Sherry Glied and Benjamin Zhu say that a small percentage of Americans — mostly people with job-based insurance who require a lot of health care — are getting hit with high costs, with physician care driving much of the spending.

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