Nationwide Defiant Actions Demand Trump/Pence #OUTNOW!
In daring and defiant actions carried out observing social distancing, RefuseFascism delivered home-made body-bags to Trump properties and staged other actions in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Los Angeles and San Francisco on April 18/19.

April 18, Trump International Hotel, NYC
The message: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO NOW! — and challenging people to get with the movement to DRIVE THE REGIME FROM POWER THROUGH MASS NONVIOLENT SUSTAINED POLITICAL PROTEST. In addition, and with that mission, protesters demanded aid and protection for humanity globally, not just for Americans, based on international co-operation, not competition; protection for healthcare workers, for people in prisons and ICE detention, and asylum seekers.
Local media in several cities, and some international media, contrasted the Refuse Fascism protests, which started from the interests of humanity, with MAGA rallies by often armed, hyper-patriotic Trump supporters, waving the Confederate flag, protesting measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 and demanding Democratic officials in Michigan and other states be “locked up.”
In Philadelphia, dozens of fascists in more than twenty cars, along with a force of NJ police, prevented a Refuse Fascism car caravan from getting to the gates of a Trump golf club; however they persevered. Livestream of the event was seen by tens of thousands. Photos & video
RefuseFascism's actions this weekend received much passive support.
You can give active support by donating what you can:
> > Help more people understand & act on the message. Please donate from $3 to $300 (or more if you are able) now. Your donation helps spread the Refuse Fascism Statement of Conscience/Call to Act and the demand Trump/Pence #OutNow at a time when it is needed the most through our website, social media, email, phones, Zoom, and shipments around the country. All donations of $25 or more receive a Humanity pin.
Lauren says: "I am very happy to let you know I spent the first $50 of the stimulus check to support your work. Keep fighting the good fight!!!"

> > Engage with RefuseFascism volunteers on Inside with #OutNOW Daily Lives on Facebook, 6:00 pm EDT / 3:00 pm PDT.
Monday & Tuesday evening, meet organizers of this weekend's actions from Philly, Chicago, LA and NYC.

> > Find ways in real life to represent #TrumpPenceOutNOW on the OutNOW Shop
25% off on everything. Use code OutNOWSpring2020
Photo posted on Facebook by the mayor of Hamtramck, MI with the caption "My kind of town."

#OutNow Organizers Kit $30.00
50 #OUTNOW stickers
1 Trump/Pence must go yard sign
1 OutNow! Beanie
5 English and 5 Spanish OutNow! posters
10 #OUTNOW buttons
Follow @RefuseFascism on
Youtube national team
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