Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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Thank you!

Supporter, did you know, today is Thank You Day?

It's a national day for thanking people who help their communities and their neighbours, and the first person we want to thank is you! 

By using sustainable transport when you can, you are shrinking traffic jams, helping the planet, and supporting vital local public transport services. 

And by supporting Campaign for Better Transport, whether by donating, sharing our messages on social media, or taking campaigning actions, you are helping to make transport better, greener and fairer. (Talking of campaigning actions, extra thanks if you emailed your General Election candidates via our website about the importance of transport. We'll be writing to you in a few days about the election results and what comes next).

Second, we want to thank all the people who keep our transport network running, from drivers to depot staff, cleaners to station staff. Here are some lovely things our supporters said about bus drivers during Better Transport Week:

"My local bus drivers are courteous, helpful and what I particularly like is that they wait until everyone is seated, particularly those of us who are elderly. Since we got rid of our car the buses are a lifeline."
- Martin, Nottinghamshire
"Bus drivers in Cornwall are a fine set of people: endlessly patient, excellent drivers, and kind to the passengers. In a crisis one of them always steps up to the plate."
- Kate, Cornwall
"Thanks to all our local helpful bus drivers. We need you!"
- Sian, Marlborough

Lastly, a huge thank you to the amazing people who spend their spare time improving transport in their communities, whether by adopting their local station, improving cycling routes in their town, or campaigning to save their local bus service or get a rail line reopened. There are so many transport heroes working away around the country - find out about four of them here.

Thank you, and bye till next time!


Jess Fitch, Head of Digital Communications, Campaign for Better Transport


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