The Thorn West

The Thorn West is a state and local news roundup compiled by members of DSA-LA. Our goal is to provide a weekly update on the latest developments in state and local politics, and to track the issues that are most important to our membership.


Issue No. 208 - July 5, 2024


State Politics

City Politics

  • Supervisors Lindsey Horvath and Janice Hahn have proposed a 2024 ballot measure that, if passed, would increase the number of seats on the Board of Supervisors from five to nine. It will be taken up at the Tuesday meeting of the Board, along with a second reform motion that would make the position of County CEO an elected one.


Housing Justice

  • After the Supreme Court stripped protections from people experiencing homelessness last week, seven Los Angeles City Councilmembers immediately introduced an ominous motion requesting an analysis of current homelessness policy.


Police Violence and Community Resistance

Climate Justice