After the 2022 election, I had a hard decision to make.


After the 2022 election, I had a hard decision to make.

When I ran against Lauren Boebert in 2022, I knew we could win. No one believed me – not the Democratic party, not the Republican party, and certainly none of the political pundits.

Ultimately, though, after the recount, I lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes. It was the closest race in the entire country.

We were outspent heavily by Boebert and her allies. And the attacks and the vicious lies they told about me were really hard on my family – especially my two teenage children.

After we came so close to winning against Boebert, everyone expected me to run again in 2024. It seemed like a no-brainer. But it wasn’t an easy decision to put my family through what I knew was going to be an even nastier race than the last.

I spent a lot of time reaching out to supporters and donors like you, listening and getting their advice. And everyone promised me: They’d have my back. So I took a leap of faith.

Now, with Lauren Boebert having run off scared, this seat is going to be much harder to win. The Super PACs are attacking me and the smear campaign is beginning. I need your help if I’m going to have the resources it takes to finish the job and win this critical House seat.

I made the decision to run again because I knew I could count on people like you to help me win, so it would mean so much to me if you could chip in to my campaign today:

Please, will you give $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford before midnight tonight – to help me hit our critical fundraising goal, win this critical House seat, and replace Lauren Boebert in Congress?

Please use the links in this email to start a weekly donation through ActBlue:

I’m not taking money from corporate PACs. I don’t have the national party throwing millions of dollars behind my race. What I have is something far stronger: You.

I am so thankful for your support.

With gratitude -