Fellow Republicans, 

83 days until early voting begins at the office of your election authority and temporary locations designated by the election authority. To beat Biden and the Pritzker Democrats in 2024, we must use ALL tools available and EMBRACE early voting and Bank Your Vote. Bank Your Vote  is an all of the above strategy to get more Republicans to vote before Election Day and “Bank” their vote. We will be working hard to bank as many pre-Election Day votes as possible…because the political party that votes for weeks and months will mathematically beat the party that only votes for one day. Take the pledge to Bank Your Vote!

Bank Your Vote

Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day celebration. Below are a few pictures from Illinois leaders and patriots celebrating our nation's independence.  Feel free to submit your photos at [email protected]

The Illinois Republican State Central Committee will be meeting on Friday, July 12, 2024 to elect a new Chairman on an interim or permanent basis.

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in being considered for the position, please submit the following information to Matt Janes, Executive Director of the Illinois Republican Party, at [email protected] by Wednesday, July 10th at 5:00 PM.  This is a hard deadline, and is necessary to provide the Committee sufficient time to review all applicant material.  Applicants may be asked to address the Committee on July 12th.

An applicant must provide:

  • A current copy of the applicant's professional and political resume

  • A brief letter/document outlining the applicant's vision for the Illinois Republican Party

  • A Letter of Recommendation from an Illinois elected Republican Party Official or an Illinois elected Republican Government Official (no limit on number that may be submitted)

  • A certified copy of the applicant’s voting record

  • The applicant must fill out and submit the attached Ethics Statement

  • In addition, to be considered by this position, an applicant must agree to a background check.

Email the items outlined by no later than July 10th at 5:00 PM CT to the Illinois Republican Party Executive Director Matt Janes at [email protected].

Responsibilities and duties of the State Chairman are generally summarized in Article III, Section B of the Bylaws which are on our website, and include raising money for the State Party. The position does not pay a salary or other compensation.

Here is a public link that you can also share: https://illinois.gop/illinois-republican-party-chairman-application/

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago, in suburban Cook County, St. Clair County, and East St. Louis. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge!

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

Tools to Protect Voters and Voter Rolls Accuracy

When the moving van pulled away, was something left behind? 
For three decades, the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) has conditioned voters to "let the government take care" of voter registration by adding them to the voter rolls with no individual action needed. It's not surprising that most voters leave their registration behind if they move since the government automatically registers everyone -- often multiple times! Why would anyone think to take action when putting their former home in the rear-view mirror? 

Several state laws make the current voting process less secure.
Voting by mail is unrestricted in Illinois. If you enroll in the permanent vote by mail program, a ballot is automatically mailed to your address each election, even after you move if the local election authority does not know you have moved.  Another murky concern is that Illinois law was changed to allow a mail ballot to be verified without comparison with the ballot signature with the signature on the voter registration record.  All these make it very important that voters who move don't leave their voter registration behind. 

What can you do to help?
Everyone can help achieve more accurate voter lists by spreading the word about easy ways to notify their local election official when moving.  

Don't leave your voting identity behind for others to exploit.
When a family member, friend or neighbor moves --share a customized version of the attached notice they can send to the election official. The moving voter should ask for written confirmation that the registration at the old address is cancelled. (Attachment #1) Identity theft is commonplace. Good neighbors don't let neighbors leave voting credentials behind. Awareness can prevent someone from impersonating the moved person or even attempting to build credit using the moved person's name. Many election officials give directions on the back of the voter card about how to inform the office when moving.  

Help new homeowners avoid claims of voting for prior owners. 
As you speak with neighbors, share the form (attachment #2 which can be customized by county/ jurisdiction) when the former resident has "left their registration behind."  If you know a committeeman whose duties include meeting voters and distributing voting information, ask that person to share the form when speaking with voters who found that someone left their registration behind. Help protect everyone! 

Western Culture Has a Reality Problem by Richard Porter 

Biden’s debate performance is not, and should not be seen as, a personal failure, but as another example of the systemic institutional breakdown that drives the populist revolt across the globe.  

By vigorously denying the President’s obvious decline, liberals in the legacy media tried to make us believe something that obviously was not true. The people who claim to want to protect Americans from disinformation and American institutions from being destroyed actively worked in direct opposition to the truth and, in doing so, undermined faith in one of the nation’s most iconic institutions — the office of the President of the United States. 

Most people engage with reality pragmatically, not politically. We focus on solving the challenges of day-to-day life functionally, not as an ideological construct. We don’t make believe, we make do. We exist in a real world filled with actual challenges to be overcome and use our talents and willpower to make our lives better and achieve personal dreams.  

Sometimes, we need experts to study, media to report, and government to address systemic problems we encounter. Increasingly, however, western intellectuals, senior business executives, and government officials and media thought leaders are divorced from the pragmatic reality in which “make-do” people live.  

Elites are increasingly ideological and inventive. They seem to believe that their role is to make us believe what they imagine about us and the world around us instead of helping us deal with the actual reality in which we live.  

Rather than making our lives better, elites are absorbed with making us “better” instead.

Consider what elites want to make us believe:

Unregulated immigration and open borders are  not a problem. If you disagree you’re  jingoistic or nativist or “Christian nationalist” or some other pejorative term.

Police are bad and arresting criminals is white supremacy because criminals are disproportionately black –so “defund the police.” If you point out that fewer criminals in jail means more crime in our neighborhood – racist!

Climate change threatens the very existence of human life on earth and is the number one issue facing humanity – more important than crime, drugs, hunger, housing, China, immigration, or anything else in your silly, miserable little mind.  Anyone pointing out it was warmer in the United States 90 years ago, or that in the 35 years during which this idea has captured elite imagination none of the apocalyptic forecasts has proven to be true, is a “denier” – as if disputing a flawed computer model’s projections for 90 years in the future is somehow akin to denying the appalling reality of the Holocaust 90 years in the past.  

Sexual identity is a “cultural construct,” but gender is indelible – so a man can be a woman, and vice versa.  Anyone who doesn’t accept this at face value is a hateful “transphobe” – or something.

Western culture is institutionally racist. If you dare ask – which institution is racist? – you’ve merely confirmed your own bias. Everyone must be trained in the new racism – and so every institution of any size must train employees in DEI ideology to learn that getting ahead on merit is a myth and they are inherently  “privileged” and therefore undeserving of the fruits of their labor.

Hamas terrorists and their supporters in Gaza are the real victims, while the Israeli civilians they attacked, raped, and mutilated are inhumane.

The litany goes on, seemingly forever, but the COVID and the elites’ authoritarian response laid bare for many the extent to which institutions fail to serve but instead seek to make us believe things that are often observably untrue. Consider all the make= believe aspects of the pandemic: the new virus came from a market not the laboratory in the same city where the U.S. funded Chinese research into enhancing similar viruses. It was a pandemic “of the unvaccinated.” If everyone wears a cloth or paper mask, it will stop the spread; standing six feet apart will also stop the spread;  cannabis dispensaries are essential, but attending church is not; and Anthony Fauci is science.

The divide between make-do and make-believe leadership does not correspond exactly to the partisan split between right and left. Across the ocean, Tories were crushed and Labour rising precisely because Tory leadership has been of the elite, make-believe variety – on immigration and COVID.  

Ironically, Britain will veer deeper into make believe with Labour, as the rest of the West experiences a course correction, thanks to the political engagement and revolt of those making do. A single election is not enough for Western institutions to return to reality, but it reflects at least a partial awakening.

Events such as the conceptually absurd pro-Hamas protests in western capitals and at leading Western educational institutions have had the effect of shocking go-along to get-along pragmatists within our elites into observing that Western culture has developed a reality problem.

Ultimately, our culture needs courageous pragmatists among the elites to push back against their imaginative and ideological make-believe colleagues with resolution, reasoning and ridicule.

Here’s a way to start: Be gentle to those who imagine things that are not true, but don’t play along just to get along to avoid being called names; question narratives, don’t parrot them; and only vote for those focused on making it easier for you to make do and achieve your own goals. 

Bank Your Vote

Chairman's Satire: 


Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party


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Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
