Hello DFLer,

We hope you are doing well during these extraordinary times. The Minnesota DFL has been working to find innovative ways to engage our supporters as we continue our shift to virtual organizing. In that spirit, we are excited to invite you to the DFL’s first virtual fundraising event with Minnesota Senator and former presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar.

On Wednesday April 29th at 6:00 PM Senator Klobuchar will give listeners a behind-the-scenes look at her presidential race and will be joined by her campaign manager, Justin Buoen. Event participants will have the opportunity to submit their own questions to the Senator for what will be a lively evening of discussion. From her Presidential Campaign to her family's fight with COVID-19 to her current efforts to protect the right to vote - she'll talk about it all during our virtual event.

RSVP here

Please purchase your tickets and submit your questions ahead of time at this link.


We cannot wait for you to join us on April 29th!

See you soon,
Minnesota DFL

Sen. Amy Klobuchar is appearing at this event only as a featured speaker. Sen. Klobuchar is not asking for funds or donations.