Tell your Representative to strengthen SNAP for families and kids in need. |


No Kid Hungry
Dear John,

We could really use your help right now.

As you read this, members of Congress are putting together a fourth relief package for those affected by the coronavirus and economic crisis. This is our best chance to make sure hungry kids and low-income families get the food aid they urgently require.

Tell your Representative to strengthen SNAP for families and kids in need.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is one of the most effective ways to feed hungry children. In the wake of the pandemic, mass school closings and spiking unemployment, SNAP can help feed families and feed our economy.

We need to accomplish two things: (1) Put more food on the table for families in need; and (2) provide flexibility for SNAP recipients that reflect the reality of life during this pandemic.

Strengthening SNAP will go far to feed millions of kids who usually depend on school meals for their nutrition. And it will help jump start the economy. In fact, every SNAP dollar that households redeem expands the economy by about $1.50. The foods purchased also put money directly in the pockets of farmers, distributors, and grocers who in turn can afford goods, services and food for themselves.

I know you care about childhood hunger and I am so grateful for your support. Please, take 90 seconds and send a message to your Representative right now. The kids will thank you for it.

Diane Clifford


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