There are plenty of reasons why keeping KY-03 blue in November is important, John, so I’ll do my best to narrow down the list.
In just a moment, I’ll give you 5 big reasons why we need to keep this seat blue, but before I do that: Will you chip in $5 — just $1 for each of the 5 reasons listed below — to help defend this seat in November?
Alright, John, here we go!
1) I’m the only Democrat representing Kentucky in Congress. I’m far from the only one in Kentucky, so it’s important that we have a Democratic voice in the House!
2) My Republican opponent would be a rubber stamp for the MAGA agenda. The House GOP’s price of admission is absolute fealty to Donald Trump.
3) Reproductive rights are on the line this year. We need to flip the House to keep the GOP from passing a national abortion ban.
4) The future of our country — and our planet — is at stake. The GOP wants to roll back the biggest investment in green energy in our nation’s history.
5) Control of the House is up for grabs! To take back the House, we need to flip red seats and defend every single blue seat — including right here in KY-03.
So what do you say, John: Can I count on you to chip in just $5 to help keep this seat blue and give Democrats our best chance to flip the House in November?
—Morgan McGarvey