SIGN NOW: Congress must hold SCOTUS accountable >>
John, here’s a simple fact that explains a lot: Supreme Court justices are the only federal judges who aren’t required to follow a binding ethical code.
You read that right. Our highest court is held to the lowest ethical standards.
And we have been seeing the consequences of those low standards: Justice Clarence Thomas has raked in over $2 million worth of luxury gifts and vacations in the last two decades – more than 4 times as much as every other justice combined. [1] And that’s just the gifts we know about!
John, this finally puts a dollar amount on the disturbing truth you and I already knew: Justice Thomas has repeatedly abused his position for personal gain, compromised the integrity of the Court, and violated the trust of We The People he is supposed to serve.
The only way to stop this rampant Supreme Court corruption is for Congress to step in and hold these ethically unreliable justices accountable. Will you join us in demanding a strong Supreme Court Code of Conduct today?
Every day these ethical scandals go unaddressed, they chip away at the public’s trust in the Supreme Court and the decisions it makes – which have huge impacts on all of our lives.
And last year after several scandals, the Court tried to save face by adopting a non-binding, unenforceable, and weak “code of conduct” – hoping it’d save their institution from historically low public trust. [2]
But John, let's face it: trusting this Supreme Court to operate under the honor system is what got us into this mess. Their voluntary half-measure is no substitute for binding, enforceable congressional action.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. With the stroke of a pen, these nine justices make far-reaching decisions on reproductive rights, environmental protections, immigration, the freedom to vote, and so much more – affecting millions of people every day.
That’s why Common Cause has been sounding the alarm on Justices’ ethical lapses for over a decade – and your action is critical right now to ensure they are held to the highest ethical standards.
We need you with us to keep the pressure up. Add your name to urge Congress to finally pass a REAL, enforceable Supreme Court Code of Conduct.
Thanks for all you do,
Virginia Kase Solomón, President and CEO
and the team at Common Cause
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