✅ Bill Clinton
✅ Hillary Clinton
✅ Barack Obama

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama

“We should not make 2016’s mistake again.” – Bill Clinton

The choice in this election remains very simple. I'll be voting Biden. – Hillary Clinton

“...this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life… and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit.” – Barack Obama

NOW TRUMP IS FURIOUS – He can’t stand the fact that Democrats across the country are standing behind President Biden! Chip in now to help reelect Democrats like President Biden and piss Trump off >>


YES YES YES! Top Democrats like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama are going all in to reelect President Biden and prevent another Trump presidency.

BUT BUT BUT: Donald Trump is leading in multiple key swing states, and we’re quickly running out of time, Friend (we’re less than five months from Election Day)!

We know that we can count on Democrats like you – so we’re racing to gather as many donations as we can right now.

This is the MOST IMPORTANT time to donate, Friend: Chip in anything you can right now to help reelect Democrats like President Biden >>

Rush $5 >>
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Rush a custom amount >>

There’s no time to waste


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to win again by taking back the House, saving the Senate, and defeating Donald Trump once and for all!!!

Donate now to elect Democrats

Chip in now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →

Remember: if we allow Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans to seize power this election, all of our hard-earned progress will be destroyed. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

Chip in now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →