On a day dedicated to celebrating independence, we’re deeply grateful for the state and local champions who are fighting for our reproductive freedom and democracy.
One in three women of reproductive age now live in a state with an abortion ban.
Bodily autonomy is one of our most fundamental freedoms, and the ability to choose if, when, and how to build a family is one of our most vital rights. As MAGA Republicans launch relentless attacks in legislative chambers and courthouses, our state and local elected officials are the ones on the frontlines of the fight to defend our freedoms.
Even in hostile environments, our endorsed candidates stand up for what’s right. And for good reason: in every instance where voters had the opportunity to vote directly for abortion access, we’ve won. When they know the stakes, Americans show up to protect their rights.
Investing in state and local politics is both an offensive and defensive strategy.
State contests will benefit the top of the ticket this year. Period. By investing in the middle of the ballot, those reverse coattails can help to lift the contest for the White House. Together, we can make sure that all voters know about every reason to turnout in November.
As you are keenly aware, we are in a fight for the future of our reproductive freedom and our democracy, which are deeply intertwined.
With stakes this high, we must use every tool in the toolbox. Investing in state and local campaigns is a proven yet under-utilized, under-funded tactic that’s perhaps more important than ever.
Thank you so much for being in this movement with us. We hope you have a restorative and enjoyable holiday.
The Vote Pro-Choice Team