National march for Palestine. Tell the new government...End the genocide. Stop Arming Israel. Russell Square, London 12 noon, Saturday 6 July.

The Conservatives have spent the last nine months condoning and enabling Israeli war crimes while demonising and obstructing solidarity with the people of Palestine. As voters go to the polls today, the Tories are on the edge of electoral oblivion while we continue to march and organise, unbowed.


But a Labour government, committed to increasing military spending, keeping our nuclear weapons, and maintaining a policy of arming Israel thus enabling its war crimes in Palestine, means we will continue our work for peace, justice and Palestinian sovereignty, unabated. 


We are sending a clear message that whoever resides in No. 10, our determination and demands remain the same: an immediate arms embargo on Israel; a permanent ceasefire to end the genocide; and the urgent establishment of a free and sovereign Palestinian state!


Join us on the streets of London tomorrow and make your voice heard! 

  • Saturday 6 July
  • Assemble 12 noon, Russell Square, London

For route maps and latest information, go to our events page here. We also need volunteers to carry the CND banner. If you are in a position to help, contact [email protected]


Eurobomb? No thanks! Preventing nuclear proliferation in Europe – CND webinar, 18 July


As NATO modernises and expands the US nuclear bomb-print across Europe, some leaders have called for a European-led nuclear weapons programme. Not only would this ‘Eurobomb’ be a colossal waste of money which could instead be used to improve people's lives, it represents an extra step in the growing militarisation of Europe and yet another nuclear escalation.


As part of the upcoming Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) at the UN in Geneva, CND invites you to join us for a webinar which will counter the arguments being made in favour of a ‘Eurobomb’ and discuss strategies on how we can oppose nuclear proliferation in Europe.

Speakers include: Jean-Marie Collin, Director of ICAN FRANCE; Joseph Gerson, US Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security; and Rebecca Johnson, Director of Acronym. Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.


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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom