One of the side effects of fighting the coronavirus pandemic has been the effort of some politicians to take power and run amok. Lord Acton was right when he said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The problem isn’t leaders taking money, but rather them losing all connection to reality and beginning to believe that they have a god-like capacity to make brilliant decisions for the stupid masses.
We are witnessing this effect to a troubling degree amid the coronavirus — especially among the political Left, where there is a pattern of people in positions of authority believing they are superior, both intellectually and morally, to the people they are supposed to serve.
I felt it was important to discuss this tyranny of the Left on this week’s episode of my podcast “Newt’s World.” Indeed, one of the least discussed, yet most critical, aspects of reopening the country needs to be rolling back government, which in some states and localities has grabbed power in absurd and shocking ways. |