Dear John,

ON THIS INDEPENDENCE DAY, take the time to be thankful for all this country has provided for you, even as we strive to make it better. Take pride in your fellow Americans and their contributions to create a more perfect union.

I will never forget my first visit to the United States in 1991, just a few years after I fled Iraq with my family. I fell in love with America, its culture and its freedoms. 

If you would have told me then that I would one day be on the ballot as an American citizen running to represent close to three-quarters of a million Minnesotans in the halls of the United States Congress, I'm sure I'd have told you that you were dreaming.

In the Middle East, where I grew up, so many of the states were created by foreign powers and granted their independence in the early to mid-20th century. In many cases, what followed was a series of coups and counter-coups, revolutions and counter-revolutions. What was celebrated as Independence Day often became merely the substitution of a locally-bred dictatorship instead of fealty to a foreign power.

What is independence without freedom?

We must never take our independence for granted. The U.S. is a country founded on individual freedoms and ideas. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and a government by the people for the people. No other country in human history can compare to what we’ve accomplished.

For me, the United States represented the promise of a future where success would be determined based on one's individual skills. Since my first visit in 1991, I knew I wanted to move here and become a part of the American fabric. I obtained my permanent residency in the U.S in 1993 and ultimately, became a citizen five years later.

I took my oath of citizenship seriously and on every Independence Day in America since that time, I've rededicated myself to giving back to the country I now proudly call my home. I am dedicated to serving the people of this district and working to make our future brighter for future generations.


Yours in service,

Dalia al-Aqidi

MN Republican-Endorsed Candidate

Minnesota's 5th Congressional District


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Vote Early. Your Vote Always Counts!

The 2024 State Primary Election is August 13; EARLY VOTING BEGAN FRIDAY, June 28:

  • Get your absentee ballot HERE
  • See if you’re registered to vote HERE
  • Register to vote HERE
  • Find where to vote early in person HERE
  • See where you vote on election day HERE

We are counting on you to be an informed voter this, and every, election cycle. We can’t win if you don’t vote. Make a plan, and vote for our Republican candidates. We only need to flip four seats in the MN House to start bringing sanity and reason back to our state legislature. Only with your vote can we remove Ilhan Omar and bring real Minnesota values to Washington!

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