
Good morning, and welcome to our Fourth of July Weekend Update!

On behalf of Shelley and me, I wish everyone celebrating the Fourth of July across the 9th District, Pennsylvania, and our nation a happy and healthy holiday!

As President Donald J. Trump so eloquently said in his address on July 4, 2020: “We will proclaim the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and we will never surrender the spirit and the courage and the cause of July 4th, 1776. Upon this ground, we will stand firm and unwavering.”

As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day, they're facing undeniably higher costs for their annual cookouts.

Grocery prices have risen 21.2% due to Bidenomics, making this Fourth of July meal with your friends and family more expensive than ever.

IN NEWS YOU WILL FINALLY HEAR IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Democrats have long perpetrated a fraud on the American people as they denied Crooked Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline.

It was just weeks ago that Democrats, aided and abetted by their Fake News allies, were in conniptions over our unedited, unfiltered clips of Crooked Joe (*checks notes*) appearing in public.

Now, they're singing a different tune.

This week, The New York Times cited many of the EXACT SAME VIDEOS they called "cheap fakes" just weeks prior as examples of Crooked Joe's decline — as did CNN and other prominent outlets.

The embarrassing about-face comes as Democrats and the media desperately try to cover-up their willful participation in the coverup of the century.

Nothing can change the FACT that Democrats and the media LIED to Americans on Biden’s behalf — and THAT'S a threat to democracy.

Want to get involved in the campaign to put President Donald J. Trump back in the White House? Please join me. Go to and register to be a captain.

We are excited to catch up with you next week. God Bless, and see you soon,

Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 532, Pottsville, PA 17901, United States
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