STOP THE TRAFFIK, in collaboration with IBM, launched the Traffik Analysis Hub in 2018 to combat human trafficking by analysing data from various sources, including non-profits, law enforcement, and open-source data. This innovative platform helps to provide Exploitation Analytics reports to frontline responders and businesses, identifying patterns and hotspots of trafficking incidents globally, and potential bad-actor information.

Endorsed by the U.S. State Department's Trafficking in Persons report, the hub is commended as a critical tool in the fight against modern slavery, leveraging AI to pool and analyse large datasets for actionable insights. 

Read the full press release here.

Amid the excitement of major sporting events like the Olympics, a grim reality often emerges an increase in human trafficking, especially in the form of commercial sexual exploitation.

Our Intelligence Team have uncovered evidence of a surge in demand for these services during sporting events, driven by the influx of visitors. Traffickers exploit this demand by heavily advertising online, with major events acting as magnets for exploitation.

Recent data uncovered by STOP THE TRAFFIK highlights this disturbing trend in Paris, particularly as the city prepares for the upcoming Olympics, emphasising the need for vigilant efforts to combat human trafficking amidst the global sporting spectacle.

You can learn more about our findings here.

The global drug problem intertwines with human trafficking, exacerbating violence and human rights abuses worldwide. On World Drug Day, we emphasise the importance of evidence-based, compassionate drug policies that address the social, economic, and health impacts of drug use.

Drug trafficking, particularly in vulnerable areas like the tri-border region of the Amazon Basin, fuels other crimes and exploitation. Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) exploit migrants and people struggling with addiction, creating diversified income streams for organised criminal gangs beyond narcotics.

STOP THE TRAFFIK aims to disrupt these criminal networks by transforming human trafficking into a high-risk, low-profit crime. We invite you to read our full blog post to learn more about our mission and how you can join the fight against this injustice. Together, we can make freedom a reality for everyone.

Learn more and join the fight!
Read our full blog here.

STOP THE TRAFFIK are excited to announce that we have places in the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this iconic race through the capital on Sunday, April 6th, 2025!
We would love to welcome you to team STOP THE TRAFFIK, secure your place now by emailing us at [email protected] (places are limited and require a minimum fundraising target).
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