Because of you, better is possible

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Today I wanted to say thank you.

You are a crucial part of this movement. Together, we are unapologetically fighting for equity and justice for policies that put people first. For all of us to thrive, to share power, to actually feel how far we’ve come. Your voice is essential to this work and I’m honored to be fighting alongside you every day.

In our work, it’s all too easy to come together over shared trauma. To be united by the forces that seek to divide us. But we must never forget the dream — a future rooted in community, not fear.

The dream is a world where corporate interests never win over working people. Where abortion is health care. Where a college education moves us forward. Where Black men grow old. Where all of our children get a future — whether they’re in Massachusetts, Gaza, or Haiti. Our movement will not bend to right-wing extremism, or to undue influence from billionaires and special interests.

There’s no one else I’d rather do this work with.

It’s because of you that a better world is possible — and that it’s being realized every day. Thank you.

Yours in service,
