ASBN is committed to working with and alongside our network to develop and elevate the policy solutions needed for inclusive and long-lasting systems change.

Thank you all for your part in advancing our mission.


ReGen Ag Farm Bill Sign-On Update

Thank you to the 108 businesses, investors, and organizations that signed on to the Regenerative Agriculture and Justice working group’s most recent letter to Congress on defending the IRA conservation funds! If you missed it, read the letter here.


The Supreme Court of the United States has ended its term with the issuance of massively disappointing and potentially catastrophic decisions, including two cases that could create a negative ripple across the regulatory and business landscape for years to come:

safeguards and increases the likelihood of judges’ ideological preferences playing a far greater role in deciding regulatory cases than agencies’ subject matter experts. Additionally, the absence of Chevron deference can place small businesses at a competitive disadvantage. Read ASBN’s full statement here.

In Corner Post Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the court further upended regulatory predictability and stability by effectively gutting the statute of limitations for challenges to federal regulations, upon which businesses have relied for decades. In her dissenting opinion, Justice Jackson referenced the amicus brief ASBN submitted to the court along with other small business organizations in highlighting the clear dangers of this ruling:

“Knowledgeable amici have explained that the majority’s approach to accrual of the statute of limitations for APA claims undermines the “[s]tability, predictability, and consistency [that] enable[s] small businesses to survive and thrive… And there is no question that long-term uncertainty “hinders the ability of businesses to plan effectively… And, again, one might think that preventing such chaos is precisely why Congress enacted a statute of limitations in the first place."

Corner Post Dissenting Opinion, Justice Jackson, with whom Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan join, 603 U. S.(2024).

ASBN will continue to advocate on behalf of its members through the notice and comment process and explore legislative action to restore Chevron deference.

In Ohio v. EPA, the court ruled against EPA’s Good Neighbor Plan to cut cross-state pollution, effectively halting it. ASBN’s Senior Advisor of Climate and Energy, Michael Green, says, “Not only does [the Good Neighbor Plan] support the local community and downwind communities, but it also guarantees that neighboring states don't become sacrificed due to lack of regulations from a neighboring state.” Pollution does not respect state borders, and this decision will leave businesses and communities facing pollution that did not originate within their state.


The fight is not over. We will continue to support the EPA's work to protect clean air and water and encourage you, as business leaders, to show your support by signing this petition to Defend Our Climate from further attacks.

Want to do more? Join us by following ASBN across social media. Like and share some of our recent posts to voice your concerns and show your support for a more just and sustainable economy! It’s never been more important to stand together. We hope to see you there!




ASBN Spotted

ASBN leaders, staff and contractors are busy each month advocating for sustainable and regenerative business practices and progressive policies. Here are some one of the ways ASBN represented sustainable business voices this last month:

Did you miss our recent ASBN Live Webinars?

Only ASBN members have access to all previous ASBN Live webinar recordings. Interested in joining? Contact Shanti Holloway, Director of Membership Success.

ASBN is growing!

Please join us in welcoming our newest members:


In conjunction with Other Half Processing, the American Sustainable Business Institute is the grantee and administrative home of the Growing GRASS project. Growing GRASS is a five-year, $35 million project funded by the USDA Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities grant program, dedicated to improving the beef and bison byproduct supply chain. Contact Anna Straus.

Growing GRASS Project Working Groups Underway

This past month, the rubber met the road for Growing GRASS. The project’s partners joined official working groups to advance their five main areas of focus: Production & Supply; Byproduct Collection; Attribute Valuation; Marketplace Readiness; and of course the GRASS Standard itself, which validates the climate benefits of regenerative grazing systems.

Some key first tasks for the working groups include releasing a screening survey to recruit eligible beef and bison farmers, ranchers, and herders to join the project; documenting current byproduct collection practices and barriers; researching regulations that may impact the project’s goals; and identifying brands that may be interested in sourcing regenerative products.

ASBN-BizNGO Chemicals Policy

We engage in public policy initiatives for safer chemicals and sustainable materials.

Climate and Energy

Identifies key problems, solutions, and strategies to address our planet's climate and energy crisis.

Regenerative Agriculture and Justice

Working with farmers and other agricultural stakeholders, we advocate for sustainable agriculture, environmental justice, and support for underserved and BIPOC farmers.

Clean Water is Good For Business

The Clean Water is Good For Business: Delaware River Watershed Steering Committee works with businesses based in the Delaware River watershed to advocate for cleaner water.

Business for Democracy

Business for Democracy believes that a strong democracy is essential for a vibrant entrepreneurial economy. Business for Democracy Collaboratives have been established in eight states to raise the voice of small businesses to protect democracy; we are working to establish a chapter in the Maryland/DC area.

Circular Economy  

Emphasizes recycling, reuse, sharing, repair, and remanufacturing, and the reduction of waste, pollution, and carbon emissions throughout the economy; meets the third Wednesday of each month.

Livable Planet

Dedicated to the shared mission of protecting and renewing life on planet Earth. LPWG is a place for learning, collaborating, and amplifying the good work happening in the world..

Investors Circle, is pleased to share the next step in its 30-year history. It is spinning off from ASBN as an independent non-profit rooted in connecting angels and investors with early-stage and high-growth for-profit impact companies. The focus is to foster community to invest where profit meets purpose.

Membership, Sponsorship and Donations are now active! Join IC's community of 100+ investor members who have deployed $275MM+ to 350+ companies over the past 30 years. We welcome people to participate in providing time, treasure and talent in service of business for good.

Upcoming events are posted online. The next national meeting is virtual Thursday, July 18, starting at noon ET. It features special guest speaker Luni Libes and presentations from high-growth impact companies.  Regional gatherings, like the one held in New York last week (see picture below), are planned for later in 2024 and 2025. Drop a line to learn more. 

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