Your Intentions: July
7 -15 Holy Masses imploring Our Lady of Mount Carmel & July
16 Feast Day Holy Mass

Dear Friend,
Last year, an aunt brought her
niece, eight-year-old Ava to a church where the Holy Rosary was
recited, followed by Holy Mass. Inside the church, a visiting statue
from a Carmelite Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was being
venerated. Both went up close to the statue and prayed.
Shortly after leaving the church,
Ava told her aunt, “I want to receive Holy Communion.” Arrangements
were made for Ava to attend CCD classes, where she received the
Sacrament of Baptism. In May, Ava received Our Lord for the first
time in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
She has a statue of the Blessed
Mother in her room and prays the Holy Rosary.
This is the statue Ave

Have members of your family,
relatives, or loved ones fallen away from the Church? Is it your
desire for your grandchildren to receive the Sacraments?
Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the
sure anchor of hope; give her all the intentions deep within your
I ask that you submit your intentions, which will be included in
nine days of Holy Masses, from July 7 -15 and one Holy Mass on July
16, the feast day, where we
will thank the Virgin of Carmel for favors granted and all the
blessings we have received.
Holy Mary, everlasting strength and
mercy because of thy efficacious intercession, pray for us!
Embracing the love of the Blessed
Virgin Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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