National Demonstration. Stop Arming Israel. Ceasefire Now. Saturday 27 April, Assemble 12 noon. Parliament Square to Hyde Park. Logos of CND, Muslim Association of Britain, Stop the War Coalition, PSC, and the Palestinian Forum in Britain

Cast your vote for peace and disarmament

Thank you to everyone who took the time to lobby their candidates during this election campaign. The work you have done has shed light on where our votes can best be cast. And it means we are in a good position to forge new relationships within our constituencies and in Westminster, where we will invite newly elected MPs to campaign with us in Parliamentary CND.  The good news is, many of the MPs we have worked with before will be back, so we’ll have a solid group of cross-party Parliamentarians that we can work with.


But the fact is, there is scarcely a hair's breadth between the 'defence' positions of the two main parties. This means our fight for peace and nuclear disarmament must continue - and increase its pressure on the newly elected government.


At our online election briefing just over a week ago, it was clear how vital it is for us in the peace and anti-war movement to continue to mobilize and demand nuclear disarmament. Following the online briefing, a new article "Is more military spending a good idea?" makes it absolutely clear how our society would benefit, and how our economy would grow significantly if there were less military spending and more productive investment.


What the data shows

Green and independent candidates have overwhelmingly responded positively to our questions, showing support for our values and aims; some individual Lib Dem and Labour candidates have also shown support. Whether these candidates are elected or not, we hope to work with them in the future.


Now it’s up to you to cast your vote

Our vision of a world without nuclear weapons is crucial - and our success is needed now more than ever. That will come from our collective work, going forward together.


Now it’s up to you: to vote for the candidate that will do the best work for a better and more peaceful future for us all.


Copyright © 2024 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom