Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Here’s the situation folks: Arizona’s private school voucher program is channeling millions of dollars into private religious schools.

A private school, affiliated with a local megachurch where Donald Trump recently held a campaign rally, just broke ground on a fancy new wing featuring modern classrooms and a sports facility.

This school is growing, thanks to its partnership with a Trump-aligned advocacy group, and it openly advertises to parents by promising to fight “liberal ideology” such as “evolutionism” and “gender identification.” All of this is funded by our tax dollars, folks. 

Why it matters: These private schools get a free pass on accountability while using your hard-earned money to push their own religious agenda. They aren't held to the same standards as public schools, and many teach doctrines that clash with public education values. 

This isn't just unfair — it's unconstitutional and outright rejects the principle of separation of church and state. Your tax dollars should be enhancing education, not bankrolling religious indoctrination.

Here’s how you can help: By pitching in any amount, you can help us push back against MAGA extremists infiltrating our education system with their extremist ideologies. Can we count on your support today?

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— Arizona Democratic Party