When we won our Supreme Court victory for Coach Joe Kennedy, something incredible happened.
Most people know that Coach Kennedy won the right to pray on the 50-yard line after high school football games. But what many people don’t realize is that his Supreme Court case laid the foundation for an explosive new legal precedent.
Now, after 50 years of using the bad legal precedent of the Lemon test, America is in a new era of freedom. Because of Coach’s win, courts must decide religious liberty cases through the lens of a “history and tradition” test.
For a better understanding of the history and tradition test, Tim Barton, president of WallBuilders and an expert in American history, breaks down how our nation’s past will determine how religious expression plays out in the public square today.

This historic landmark victory for Coach Kennedy at the Supreme Court opened the floodgates for freedom.
Thank you for supporting First Liberty. Because of your support, we won for Coach Kennedy, and the precedents set by this win are having a ripple effect across the nation.
Now, people of faith are waking up to their new freedoms and gaining hope for a faith-filled tomorrow.
But there is still more work to be done and many battles to win.
Will you join us in the fight to renew hope and reclaim freedom for all Americans?