News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

Texas is home to so many multi-generational households; taking care of each other is what Texans do. 

I was raised by a single mom who took care of my grandmother. My childhood was enriched by my grandmother, but I also saw the financial burden that comes with taking care of a family member. That’s why I’m working as a cosponsor on a new bill to put money back in the pockets of Texas caregivers. 

Last week, I met with the AARP Texas to discuss the Credit for Caring Act, which will help provide caregivers with a tax credit for much-needed financial relief.

Meeting with AARP Texas on a bill to support Texas caregivers

The Credit for Caring Act would allow an eligible caregiver a tax credit of up to $5,000 per year for long-term care expenses. 


When we support caregivers, we all win. Over 3 million caregivers in Texas provide $2.9 billion in unpaid care per year. According to an AARP analysis, if caregivers ages 50 and older had support in the workplace, the U.S. gross domestic product could grow by an additional $1.7 trillion (5.5%) by 2030.

Throughout my time in Congress, I’ve fought for Texans to have the time and support they deserve, including universal paid family leave to care for a newborn baby or a sick family member. 

I am grateful to AARP for their work to support seniors and I look forward to pushing the Credit for Caring Act across the finish line.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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