Earth Day at 50 years!  There's been a lot progress, but we've also learned how critical the movement is to the future of humans.  Read on...

From National

On April 15th, we got a major victory when a federal judge revoked Nationwide Permit 12, a key water-crossing permit, for the Keystone XL pipeline. 

The permit is essential to complete construction of the project and was denied due to violations of the Endangered Species Act. However, despite this ruling TC Energy (fka TransCanada) is moving forward with construction at the US-Canada border during a global pandemic - without necessary permits - putting the health & safety of communities and workers at risk. 

In order for Keystone XL - or any pipeline to get built - the fossil fuel industry needs two things: political support and financial backing. It’s time to turn up the pressure on both fronts. And while we can’t take to the streets, we can still organize together online. 

Join our movement online next week for Earth Day Strikes. You’ll hear from leaders on the frontlines, learn about new strategies to stop Keystone XL, and build power with activists from all over the globe. 

Let’s get clear on who is supporting KXL construction right now: 

  1. Governors along the route in Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska not only have the power to stop construction amidst coronavirus, but they can also take swift action while key federal permits are being revoked. 
  2. Chase Bank continues to finance this pipeline project. Liberty Mutual is providing the project a $15 million insurance bond. And TC Energy received a lofty $1.1 billion bailout from the Alberta government in Canada. This is unacceptable.

Since construction began last week, over 90,000 people have taken action calling on the elected leaders and financial backers of Keystone XL to stop construction immediately and instead, protect Indigenous and rural communities, and the safety of workers. And while we need to maintain physical distancing, all of us must take collective action now to stop construction from continuing.

Will you join our growing movement on April 22-24? Take action to stop Keystone XL and join people from all around the world striking to end all fossil fuel projects. 

The fossil fuel industry believes that while our communities fight back against the spread of coronavirus, they can push their dangerous agenda forward without resistance. Let’s make sure they couldn’t be more wrong. 

See you on Earth Day Strikes live on April 22nd - April 24th. 

In solidarity,
Nkenge Abidemi

Stand for a Livable Climate
Our Friday protest this week will begin on 
Wednesday as we join the national strikes.  Join us to help save the world!

Wednesday April 22, 2020
Thursday April 23, 2020
Friday April 24, 2020

If you're still banking at a mega-bank, please use the 50th anniversary of Earth Day to make a change!

Read the following article by Bill McKibben,
then if you bank at Chase, Wells Fargo, BMO, etc. - change that fact!

We are now experiencing a taste of what the world could be like under climate collapse - but there would be no hope for a vaccine.  The world needs to get in front of climate change now!

Big Oil is using the coronavirus pandemic to push through the Keystone XL pipeline - Bill McKibben, The Guardian, April 5, 2020

While you're sequestered at home, how about moving your bank accounts or credit cards out of Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BMO. Capital One, etc.  Read the article Study: global banks 'failing miserably' on climate crisis by funneling trillions into fossil fuels. The report referenced in the article is Banking On Climate Change.

Want to Do Something About Climate Change? Follow the Money 
- Bill McKibben, New Yorker

If you bank, or have credit cards, with any of these banks, please for the sake of your children (and yourself), find a new bank or credit union.  See the Moving Your Money section at 350MKE.

Would you chip in a few dollars at the Action Network to help defray the personal cost to the eleven people arrested? 

Next Court Date???
Milwaukee Municipal Court is closed through April
Milwaukee City Municipal Court
951 N James Lovell St.

On Dec. 6, 2019, The People's Climate Coalition held a rally and demonstration in downtown Milwaukee in accordance with the International Youth Climate Strikes and the Sunrise Movement National Climate Strikes.  On that day eleven individuals were arrested during a peaceful sit-in protesting fossil fuel financing by Wells Fargo Bank.

The eleven people arrested are members of the People's Climate Coalition @PCC.MKE (in addition to other Milwaukee climate groups).  These eleven people (many of whom are students) will have total fines between about $1300 and $1700 depending on the eventual fines for the men.

You weren't arrested, but you can contribute by donating to help with their fines at PCC.MKE at the Action Network

Please donate $5, $10, or more.  Your help will go towards the fines of these eleven people.

Thank you,
350 Milwaukee

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