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Editor's Note:

While most of America focused on the possible implications of last week's dismal debate performance by our current President, the U.S. Supreme Court began taking a much-needed hammer to the burdensome overreach of our unelected bureaucracy. With two important decisions, the Supreme Court ruled against what has become a pattern of power grabs by federal agencies and other executive branch entities who are in the habit of making their own arbitrary laws. As Margot Cleveland explains, this might be a foreshadowing of increased efforts by SCOTUS to end the out-of-control administrative state. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
SCOTUS Opinions Indicate The Death Of The Administrative State Is Just Beginning
July 3, 2024

Louisiana made news this week for passing a law that mandates the Ten Commandments be displayed on the walls of every public school classroom, including elementary schools, middle and high schools, and all public college classrooms.

The law defies a 1980 Supreme Court ruling that struck down a similar law in Kentucky, so this is certain to be challenged in court — a prospect supporters of the legislation are counting on. “I can’t wait to be sued,” said Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry, who has been rather open about one of the purposes of the law: to challenge Supreme Court precedent on the First Amendment, specifically regarding the establishment clause, which for the past half-century has been used to excise nearly all formal recognition of religion from America’s public schools.

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